Lawyer at the Paris bar since 2009, ex secretary of the Conference, Matthieu Hy created the 15 boulevard du Palais firm which became Orcades Avocats. He advises and defends you in front of all criminal jurisdictions of France. Graduated from Sciences Po Rennes and Rennes, Paris 1 – Sorbonne Paris II – Assas universities, he teaches criminal law and criminal proceedings at the training school for lawyers and in various law institutes. He published numerous articles about freezing orders and confiscations in French journals and trains professionals on that matter. He defends owners whose property had been seized in criminal process (movable assets, real property, vehicles, bank accounts, life insurance…) regardless of them being accused, victims or third parties. Besides of Matthieu Hy, the firm is composed of lawyers with various skills: Veronica Camporro, Julien Fresnault, Laëtitia Marchand and Fares Aidel.
Veronica Camporro is lawyer at the French bar and was elected secretary of the Conference for the year 2011. She studied French and Spanish law and has an international business and international private law Master from the Paris II – Assas university. She is fluent in Spanish.
Julien Fresnault is lawyer at the French bar since 2008. He was Secretary of the Conference for the year 2012. He has a business and economy law Master from Paris II – Assas university. He tough contract law and civil liability. He advises his clients to protect and defend their intellectual property and is specialist in new technologies. He also practices criminal law and business criminal law.
Laeticia Marchand is lawyer at the French bar since 2011. After a law sociology Master (Pari II – Assas), she obtained certificates in criminal sciences and criminology at the Paris criminology institute. Then, she obtained a Master of Criminal Law and criminal policy in Europe (Paris I – Sorbonne). Laeticia Marchand works as a criminal lawyer for accused as much as for victims. She also practices working law.
Fares Aidel was Secretary of the Conference for the 2019 year. He has a general private law Master from Paris I – Sorbonne and a Criminal law and proceedings Master from Paris Nanterre as well as a criminal sciences certificate from the Paris criminology institute. Fares Aidel mostly works a criminal lawyer. He also practices working law, intellectual property and customary freezing orders.